If you’re a part of the closed group on FB, I want to take a second to make sure that you’re following me elsewhere too just in case anything were to happen to our community over there with some new FB changes that are rolling out! Hopefully they won’t affect our group but just in case, please make sure you’ve done the following!
1) Like and Follow the Page: What Kristin Found (this is different from the group! All communication will be posted there if anything ever happened to the group!)
2) Follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/whatkristinfound (daily deals are posted in my stories every day!)
3) Become a subscriber to get only the BEST deals sent right to your inbox with the weekly newsletter- I just send one newsletter a week (it’s sent out on Sundays!) If you’re on mobile, scroll down or if you’re on desktop you can subscribe in the right hand column!
And that’s it! Easy peasy, right?! This way no matter what we can always be connected and you can know where to find me so you can always get all the best deals!
I love, love , love your posts!!!
i definitely want to stay connected!!!
Yes I want to stay connected
Can’t lose the group !!
I just love the positivity in this community! I am grateful to be included… Although my husband may disagree!
Most definitely want to stay connected ALWAYS!!
Staying with you!! Love this group!!!
Staying Connected!!
I am with you!❤️❤️❤️
I definitely want to stay connected!
I want to stay connected
Lord don’t leave me!
I love this group! I would be lost without it.
I love your posts! Can’t imagine not being connected to them.
Keep me connected please!
Please keep me connected!
Keep me connected 🙂
Enjoy your finds!
Love this group!! Praying nothing happens to it! ❤️
Want to stay connected