500k Celebration! Our Facebook group is officially 500k+ members strong (SAY WHAT?!) and I can not say enough how incredibly thankful I am for each and every single one of YOU, I heart you BIG TIME! Our group continues to grow because YOU choose to share it with your friends and family members and co-workers and for that I am forever grateful. Your sweet comments and never ending kindness fill me with so much joy and love for this community that we have built together and for that I am so humbled and my heart is so full! So with that, it only seems fitting that we celebrate with a gift-away… a BIG gift-away! I’m gifting FIVE $250 gift cards to the retailer of your choice! Here’s all you have to do to be entered:
- Sign up for the weekly WKF newsletter (on the right hand side on desktop or scroll down until you see the black box on mobile)! You’ll get 1-2 emails a week (usually just a weekly Sunday round-up of all our favorite things from the group and occasionally a mid-week post but those will be rare unless there’s something super important to tell you about!)
- Follow me over on Instagram (if you don’t have IG, please say so when you comment)
- After you have done the above, leave a comment below telling me one of your goals for 2020! (make sure your comment uses the same email address that you used to sign up for the newsletter!)
This will run until next Saturday, Feb 1st at 10pm EST, and winners will be randomly selected and announced in next weeks Sunday newsletter (remember you must do all of the above to be entered!) Good luck!
SUNDAY SEVEN! Ok, now on to the top seven items that you all have been loving this week! Here are the most loved items from this past week. Did you grab any of these?!
2) For strong hair, skin, nails, and joints
3) Work Pants!
4) Duck Boots
5) Heart Sweater (and this Heart Sweater too!)(use code WINTER for 20 % off)
6) Eyeliner (down to $3.88 right now!)
7) For the second week in a row! ($6.99 and I’ve had this thing for YEARS)
Happy Sunday girlfriends, hope you all have any amazing week ahead!
Buy a house without blowing our budget!
Continue on my new healthy lifestyle I started on last year!
Lose 40 lbs and pay off debt.
More trips
Stay active and get my husband into a new job.
Loving each day like the gift that it is!
My goal is to rock my new job!
To loose 15 lbs
Continue on my quest toward a ketogenic lifestyle!
My goal is to gain wisdom, read more, and have more JOY.
More debt paid down. Wont be fully debt free yet but much closer!
I want to be more present in everything I do.
This year I will be taking care of myself more. I had two babies one in 2016 and one in 2019. I’m ready to exercise!
Stay within our budget!
Live a healthier lifestyle and buy a house!
To become the best version of “me” mentally, physically, and emotionally.
My goal is to be “present in the moment” more. My boys are growing so fast and I want to soak it all in even when I’m stressed 🙂. I don’t have Instagram, sorry!
Make myself a priority and get fit so I can better encourage my kids to do the same!
My biggest goal is to live life in the way that makes my family and self the happiest. No negativity, just love and positivity ❤️
I have BIG goals for 2020! I will be getting graduating with my masters in nursing as a Family Nurse Practitioner AND marrying the love of my life in 2020! I will also be doing a lot of traveling this year! Thanks Kristin for helping me find things for my clinical rotations throughout school, engagement photos, and just daily life! This group has been a lifesaver for me!
I’m goal for 2020 is to get in better physical health, and mental health!
I love this group and my goal is to lower my debt and continue to find good sales.
Eat healthier!!!
My goal for 2020 is to become debt free .
My 2020 goal is to be healthier and happier!
We are also trying to buy a house!
My goals for 2020 are to be more present and to “treat yo self” more!
My main goal for 2020 is to become a better friend, sister, daughter and coworker 💕💕
Thank you for posting all these amazing finds!!
My goal for 2020 is to read at least 24 books this year (about 2 a month). Reading is my passion and a way for me to have some ‘me’ time. I’ve been neglecting myself quite a bit this past year.
To get physically fit!
My goal in 2020 is become more healthy! I’d love to drop some weight with that goal as well. Can’t wait to buy all these amazing exercise clothes you are always posting!
One of my goals for 2020 is to decrease how much sugar I eat.
My goal is to focus on my happiness
Stay on a track for quality health both mentally and physically!
My goal for 2020 is to take more trips and immerse my youngest in experiences & travel.
One of my main goals for 2020 is to declutter and get organized (so I’m totally peeping WKF for great organizing items!!) … LOVE following you, thanks for all the great deal alerts!!
Get rid of debt and of course lose some weight 🤦♀️
Goals for 2020: Stop sweating the small stuff and more gratitude, gratitude, gratitude!
My goal is to start a new, second location for work and have a solid 20 clients weekly! 🙌🏼
My goal is to be more intentional with my time.
One of my goals for 2020 is to meditate daily. Also I tried to sign up for the weekly emails but it’s telling me to use a valid email address (it is valid 😊) . 🤷🏼♀️
Spend more time with family.
My goal for 2020 is to be intentional.
2020 goal- spend real quality time with my family every day
To not eat as much sugar and run a different half marathon!
2020 goal: make more “me time” and not feel selfish about it.
Not on Instagram
Get organized and declutter!
One of my goals this year is to continue with my keto diet and make it to my goal weight. I also want to become more organized.
One of my goals this year is run a 5k!
Also, I don’t have Instagram. Behind the times lol.
My goal for 2020 is to get my health/weight back in check
Exercise and eating healthy are big goals this year
Goals for 2020: Continue to work on both mental and physical health, Spend more quality time with family and friends, Pay off some debt, Remember to appreciate the small things in life and not stress so much over everything! 🙂
A few goals:
to purge stuff that is no longer used/wanted/etc…
-to have dinner ready by 6/6:30 at least most of the time.
My goal is to be more intentional with how I spend my time.
One of my goals for 2020 is to reduce stress levels and exercise more.
Looking to take care of myself more this year! Not so much energy put into work but to spend more time with family and making time to take care of myself! Thanks for all the deals!
My goal for 2020 is to get healthy and organized!
My 2020 goals are to declutter, be consistent with healthy habits and most importantly concentrate on being present and live in the moment.
My goal for 2020 is to take a family vacation!
To get healthier, eat less beef, more fruits and veggies. Signed up for newsletter and already following you on IG, thanks for all the deals.
One of my goals is to successfully birth my second daughter, but that’s happening no matter what 😂 so another one is for my husband and me to create our will.
My goal for 2020 is to finish paying off my first big adult purchase – my car!! And get ready for wherever we’ll be moving for my boyfriend’s job after he finishes his PhD in May 2021!!
I LOVE the variety of items you post. Something for everyone.
PS. I don’t use Instagram.
❤️ this group! My goal is to continue to work on eating healthier and planning ahead! I do not have IG.
Eating healthier
My goal for 2020 is to do more intentional listening!
Continue to pursuing some major goals and work toward eliminating all debt!
My goal for 2020 is to make healthy choices!
Pay off our credit cards.
Get in control of my eating habits and be overall more healthy!
2020 goals – live healthier, spend less, love more.
Continue working on leaning out and getting as healthy as possible.
Goals for 2020: work hard on a budget, move back to the city my husband and I love, get pregnant, maintain an attainable healthy diet and exercise, be intentional with people, stay in God’s Word, purge what isn’t necessary/needed
My goal for 2020 is to make more time for myself as I’m always on the go with work and my family.
To be intentional with everything that I do.
One goal I have is to get some retirement planning sorted out!
Following the motto: “Do it for my future self!”
Work out consistently!
One of my goals for 2020 is to Stop Starting Over! In so many facets of life 8 do well for a while… whether it is eating healthy, exercising, spending wisely, walking my dogs, reading more, you name it! But I somehow always manage to fall off track. 2020 is my year to stay on the tracks!!
My goal for 2020 is To eat healthier! (I do not have Instagram)
Pay down our mortgage!
My goal and word for the year is discipline. To be disciplined in all areas of my life this year. ❤️
To eat more healthy foods!
Launch our wedding venue and take care of myself more!
I want to get more organized!
I’m working on saving for a trip to Hawaii for my 40th birthday!
My goal is minimize and organize! 🤞🏻
Love this. Following on IG
My goal for 2020 is to focus on paying down/off all debt. I also want to spend more quality time with my teenage boys (whether they like it or not lol)! I do not have Instagram to follow.
Try new things and not make excuses.
Last year was great and just stay on its same path
Finish this stinking MBA program!!
Purging and organizing my house
One of my goals is to better balance my work/home life.
Reduce our debts!
Lose my baby weight!! (My baby is 10🤣🤣)
Get a strong healthy body back for my babies!
Heath, fitness and debt
Want to get healthy again and be able to wear Tempe stylish finds on WKF!!
Do more for Myself and go on more adventures
My goal is to be healthier mentally and physically. Also get some good deals on new clothes 🙂
Going through a divorce and my goal this year is to find me again and all that truly makes me happy.
Stick to healthier habits!
No instagram—but would love to win!
Eating healthier
Thanks for all you do. My 2020 goals are to be more present, and maintain my healthy weight.
To slow down and stop worrying about things I can’t control!
Debt retirement!
To eat less sugar and exercise more.
My goal is to laugh longer, harder, more freely. Laughter is the best!!
(And I don’t have IG)
I dont have IG.
I want to travel more for 2020
2020 goal: Trying to be better at self care!
Self care and love! I definitely feel like I need to take care of myself better so I can be the best for my kids and husband.
To be my healthiest self, inside and out!
Make more time for myself
(I have been following you on IG for a while!)
Get all my finances in order
To get organized!
More self-care and less mom-guilt!
Continue to focus on my health by choosing foods that nurture my body and an added goal of allowing myself rest, without guilt.
Do more for myself and go on more adventures.
My goals for 2020 is to live a happier life and stop caring about the little things so much
But a house to move closer to my new job!
Make more time for myself!
So more for myself!
Eat healthier while still enjoying a little chocolate in my life.
My goal is to lose 50 lbs and finally be able to wear a one piece bathing suit and not a skirt!! Love the ones you post all the time so hoping to get one this year!
2020 goal…
Pay off our property
Organize our home!
To enjoy the little things in life!
Be present and live in the moment
To further my education!
Get all my bills on auto pay!!
Get stronger and read more!
2020 will bring on a healthier lifestyle and a milestone birthday! Actually looking forward to fantastic things happing this year! Blessed!
Be a healthier eater.
Get back into a healthier lifestyle (food & activity)
2020 goals…make a decision to stay and renovate our home or sell and build a new one! 🙈😬
Pay off my student loans
Finish some home improvement projects!
Model a healthier lifestyle for my kids and save more money!
Get healthy and work out regularly!
No IG but to stay healthy and strong
My 2020 goal is to watch less tv!
Pay off debt 🤞🏼
Being kind to everyone, as we never know what people are dealing with in their lives.
Become more organized!
Buy less from amazon…or not😉
Get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes and increase my savings
My goal in 2020 is to work more on me. I have two journals that I have started and once I’m over all our sickness that have gone around get back to working out.
My goal this year is to find more balance in my life. Especially time for self care. This group has helped a lot with finding products that help me make myself feel better ranging from skin care to vitamins.I do not have an instagram account or I would follow Kristin there too.
Get in better shape and be a better person for my kids!
Lose weight. I don’t have instagram.
Looking to step up on my health and fitness. No IG account but looking forward to the newsletter.
Learn self care
Lose the rest of my baby weight, not much more to go!
Done! My goal is to save money to do some remodels on our home and save for a baby! (We’re newlyweds!)
Be happier with my career (embrace what the future holds).
Be more intentional with my time and make a point to travel more!
Growing stronger in my faith. Buying (well being able to afford) our dream home. Being the best example of a kind person that I can be to my two kiddos.
Get in shape!
Become more financially literate! (Which means trying NOT to buy all the cute things you post!)
Get healthier! And stick with it! I want to be the best version of me for myself and my family.
My 2020 goal is to get up one hour earlier than my usual time.
Work on fitness goals. No instagram goes me
Make new, good friends in my new location!
Exercise more and be healthier
Lose weight! Be healthy!
Numbers 1 and 2, done. My goal for 2020 is to not sweat the small stuff, continue our healthy lifestyle and to play like a kid with my grandson.
Make new, good friendships in my new location.
Be more present and in the moment
Do more of me, remind myself I’m worth it!
I’m getting married in April, so one of my goals for 2020 is surviving the wedding in one piece lol My main goal is to finally live in the same house with my fiance–I have cats and he has a dog so it’ll be a big deal to put the pets in the same house. Fingers crossed!!
Make healthier choices
Organizing around the house.
Focus on my health
Complete a monthly run!
Goal to stay consistent on eating clean and going to the gym (or being active) 4+ days a week!
More books, less scroll
Be more intentional with my time, money and words.
I have two major goals for 2020. Get back to my goal weight I hit not quite two years ago and also save for a major vacation for my 50th birthday….in 2022.
Thank you for all the deals and especially the Igenjun tank. I’m up to 14 and planning to get at least one more. 😍
I am working to lose 30# and we are hoping to update our 2 bathrooms in our home.
Save money and pay off house
Praying I can keep my body healthy this year so I can lose some weight and get stronger.
Continue to make memories with my toddler and baby on the way!
Simplify and organize my home and donate belongings we don’t use.
Get active!
My goal is to pay off the rest of our debt and be debt free by 2021!!
Lose the baby weight in 2020!
Lose weight!
Perfect my Japanese & get in better shape
Continue to spend quality time with my husband and our daughters, who will soon leave the nest for college.
This year I’m working on being happy that I’m taking and making time to do things I love 💕
Exercise at least twice a week
Finish a particular book I’m reading with my kids and spend more time outside!
My goal for 2020 is to get healthy for my girls! Just had my second baby 2 months ago and would like to get back to running and lifting like I did before babies so I can feel more like me again.
Find some “me” time in every week. (I do not have Instagram)
Pay down my student loans
Lose 40 lbs before I turn 40 at the end of the year!
2020 goal is to focus on self care whether it’s reading a book, getting a massage or haircut without guilt!
To get my students involved/empowered
Goal to grow my small business. Double my sales.
Get healthy, be more “in the moment”, go on more adventures & add more self-care to my schedule
Pay down my credit cards and loose 25 lbs
Losing 40 lbs before I turn 40 at the end of the year!
Goals are to save more money, run 600 miles this year, and spend time doing things I love.
Goal – get my house organized! Also – I don’t have IG.
Spend more time with my family. We all live in different cities.
Lose weight and eat healthier
My goal is to become more active and eat healthier! No IG for me.
Be kinder to myself!
Exercise more and eat less.
Pay off my wedding and buy a house without going over budget! 😅 Wish me luck!
Lose another 25-30 pounds!
Lose another 25-30 pounds!
Finish my first year back in college, while working full time, and being a wife and mother to our 13 year old and almost two year old. At the rate I’m going I’ll be able to graduate with a degree in computer science when our eldest graduates high school, but I will get there!
Continue my fitness journey… lift heavier and run faster in 2020!
Pay off debt and eat healthier! (I don’t have Instagram!)
To lose weight, pay off debt, remodel kitchen ❤️ Oh and I don’t have an IG.
I don’t have Instagram.
Some of my goals are to practice self care, add more romance to my marriage and eat healthier.
Working towards improving my health and happiness.
Want to stay motivated and happy in 2020. Always start out so good and never finish strong!
Work out more frequently!
More family game nights!
Get healthy!
Lose weight and feel better about myself!
Goals- make progress on clearing my debt, feel/look/be healthy!!
Drop 15lbs by summer
Continue to focus on creating family memories with experiences instead of having physics items.
My goal for 2020 is to get 👏 things 👏 done 👏. In other words, no procrastinating!
Read the whole bible (our church is doing it together) and run 12 races in 12 months
Lose 40lbs by the end of the year! And most for my wedding
My goal for this year is to be overall healthier with my body, mind and faith
Be in the moment
Practice patience!
Buy our next house and have a successful, healthy rest if this pregnancy 😊
My goal for 2020 is to take better care of my skin.
To finish my first full year back in college. On top of working full time, being a wife and mama to our 13 year old and an almost two year old, I aiming to continue my 4.0 GPA. I feel bad to spend much money on myself since I’m already spending so much time away, so to have a little extra for me (and probably a little on them) would be wonderful!
Lose 50 pounds…down four so far…slow and steady 😬
Cook healthier for my entire family!!!
My goal is to save more money because of this group 😊
I hope to be more organized in 2020. (I do not have instagram)
Create a new budget and stick to it!!!
My goals for this year are to eat healthier, declutter, and pay off some debt.
Pay off some debt and spend more quality time with my family!
To take better care of my health-get more sleep, exercise, eat healthy.
Be more present with my children and make more memories with them
My goal for 2020 is to become the healthiest I’ve ever been. After a significant weight loss over the last 4 years it’s time to finish what I started.
Have a healthy baby!
Spend more quality time with family and friends!!
Continue to work hard to reach my weight goal and walk 4 days a week at the very least
Healthy choices-excercise and diet❤️
Building our family!
Get Healthy!
Eat better and try to get moving more!
My main goal is to be more productive around the house on weekends. It’s easy to want to be lazy after a 40 hour week, but I’ve decided to change that.
Healthy life style!
Take better care of myself
Stay active and hug my children more!❤️
Be a better ME!
No IG, but goal is to eat healthier & work out more.
To be a more open and honest person
I want to discover who I am again!
Be healthier in every way!
Spend more quality time with my family! 💜
My goal is to slow down and try to enjoy every moment of life with my children.
Continue on my weight loss journey! 45 lbs down, 15 more to go….
Work on organizing life and getting back in shape after our twins are born (babies number 5 and 6 for us)! Should be here within the next 18 days!
Travel more
Find a new job!
Get back to swimming/working out!
For our food snack business to expand e-commerce sales!
Pay off debt and get fit!
More trips! Time with our son and continue on his heroic cancer journey! Done hopefully in December!
Goal for 2020 is to stop shopping on WKF so much 😂😂 but really…my goal is to get out of my comfort zone.
Get in shape for a beach vacation and upcoming wedding!
Healthy lifestyle.
I don’t use Instagram.
Goal for 2020: try to make healthier choices more consistently
Pay down at least 50% of my credit card debt
Continue getting healthy!
Keep down the healthier path I started in November while being more intentional and present in relationships with those who matter most.
One of my goals is to run at least 150 miles! I also don’t have an instagram account, but maybe that should be one of my other goals 😉
Work on getting organized and back in shape after our twins are born (babies number 5 and 6 for us)! Babies should arrive within the next 18 days!
Shop less on WKF 😉 and get out of my comfort zone = 2020 goals.
My big goal for 2020 is to buy a house with my other half! 😊🏡
Balance with work and home life, routine at home after getting out of work, that’s one of my goals and I bought 2 pairs of Sperry boots which come tomorrow and can’t wait 😊
To get to work earlier!
I don’t have IG but my goal this year is to save enough to put a down payment on my dream property.
Get my budget back in line!
Make myself a priority/better self care!
Get fit and live fully in my new chapter as a married women!
Stat active, lose 25 pounds!
Finish house construction projects.
Get outside more!!! ☀️
Spend my time on what’s really important, not all of the junk I thought was important.
Pay off my student loans!
Become more active and put my phone down more and be more present with my family.
Travel more and lose more weight 👍🏻
Be thankful every day !
Get more organized and loose 30 pounds.
My 2020 goals are to log into My Fitness Pal app every day, and to encourage others.
Less TV, more devotions!
To take better care of my Health,Mind and Body!
To lose 40 lbs, or 35 now.
Get my Etsy shop off the ground!
My goal for 2020 is to be a better version of myself by taking time for me and spending more time with my family and worrying less about what others think and say!!
Make healthier choices and be more active.
Organize my bedroom closet!
Finally take some time to take care of myself ❤️
My goals for 2020 would be to spend more time with my daughter, make more at home meals, move my body more, and get outside more than ever with the kids.
Love seeing deals all week long on FB & IG!!!
Who doesn’t love a deal?
Thank you Kristin for helping me spend way too much on Amazon & deals near and dear to my heart!
I want to get my body back after having my 3rd baby so I can wear all the cute clothes I’ve been ordering!
(And I don’t have an Instagram.)
Get completely out of debt and have my dream wedding with my dream man!
My goal for 2020 is to remember to stop and take more time to enjoy life’s “little” moments. Life can get so busy sometimes and I often get caught up in what’s going on and forget to slow down and just enjoy the beauty I’m in.
Save more money and travel more!
Sell our home and build our dream home. I don’t have IG.
No IG. Healthier lifestyle and volunteer more in my community.
my 2020 goal is to (hopefully) have another kiddo!
My goal is to lose 15 lbs by my 40th birthday on 3/19! I’m a third of the way there this month! Whoo hop!
Get more active and have more motivation!! I’ve hit a slump in my mid 40’s.
2020: Travel more and succeed in graduate school!
More travel with family
Pay off debt and invest further in the community!
Continue a healthier lifestyle so that I can enjoy my 2 new grandchildren due in Feb. (bringing our total to 8). ❤️
learn to say “no” sometimes!
Lose weight and buy a house
My goal for 2020 is to get healthier!
Eating healthier and losing 20 lbs.
My goal for 2020 is to connect more with those around me.
To get in shape and lead a healthier lifestyle. No IG for me.
Continue healthy eating and start healthy living.
Continue getting healthy and strong!
Get back in my workout and healthier eating routine!
I don’t have IG but I would say a goal for 2020 is to get a new job, more pay, stay healthy
Stay healthy and present in my life!
Try to be more organized!
One of my 2020 goals is to get our storage room cleaned out and get rid of junk we don’t need!
My goal for 2020 is to hit a specific milestone in my business.
My goal for 2020 is to learn to love myself more ❤️
Stay healthy and travel more!
Finish school and land my dream job
Make a solid financial plan for the future!
Get healthier and go on more adventures
Get more active and spend as much time as I can with my family. Don’t have IG
Getting healthy so I’m around for a long time for my family.
To focus on health and work on better investments!
Working on chasing my happiness in 2020! That is my goal, working on me!
Be more present when together with friends and family!
To focus on health and better investments!
Get budget better organized…. i registered for email but do not have Instagram
To finally take that trip to Europe.
2020 Goal – Stay Happy and Healthy + Save more $$$
To be more present. Phone down more, present in the moment of those around me.
Be better at fostering healthy relationships!
Buy a new home and spend as much time with family as possible. ❤️
Make and stick to a budget!
Spend more time with family and friends and stay focused on health and fitness!
My goal is to loose this baby weight (I have a 2 year old and a 8 month old) and show myself & my kids how important it is to be healthy!
My goal for 2020 is to be more active and try new things!
Never forget to tell the people you love that you love them!
Work out more, eat healthier & plan an awesome vacay!
Stay consistent with my workout program.
Goal for 2020: Remain optimistic even when life is tough!
Safe money (your page isn’t helping with that one) and loss some extra weight!
Stay active and eating healthier
Do some things for me!
I do not have an IG. One of my goals this year is to spread Joy to others.
Keep a positive attitude!
Back to yoga!!!
Setting a budget and sticking to it! 🤞🏻
Continue to organize my house and update my house.
Our goal this year is to not eat out so much.
My 2020 goal is to be happy again
One of my goals for 2020 is to spend more time with my family doing fun activities.
My goal this year is to be debt free and have a successful VBAC! And I already follow on Instagram.
This year I will Be Awesome. Create Everyday. And Believe I Can.
Be better at self care so I have enough to give my family.
Trying new things that are out of my comfort zone!
To lose weight and build the house of our dreams!
Finish my backyard and then pay off debt.
Paying off all of our debt!!
I do not have Instagram.
I want to relax and stop worrying so much!
Be more hospitable.
Renovate our kitchen!
My biggest goal is to pay off my credit card debt
My goal for this year is to not eat out so much! (My first comment would not post, sorry if this is a duplicate)
I had the exact same problem. Hoping all four comments don’t post 😂
Continue on my fitness goals and take more trips with my family!
Make healthier food choices and keep a food diary
Better time management so I can better serve my church and community.
Paying off student loans and excelling at my new job!!
My goal is to be good to myself, through eating better, more exercise, and not worrying about things I cannot control.
Take time for myself!!
Believing in myself that I can accomplish my goals.
Stop isolating myself and start being more social/getting out of the house more!
Spend money more wisely and get fit!!
My goal is to set a goal and achieve it! I am terrible at follow through.
One of my goals for 2020 is to focus more on my own health (physical and mental) so I can be the best mom & wife I can be!
My goal is to not stress about things beyond my control!
My goal is to work out more consistently, at least 2 times a week. And I do not have an Instagram.
Work on working up to doing another half marathon!
To compliment my boys more frequently. Positive reinforcement.
Make it through my daughter’s wedding. 😊
Instead of a single goal, this year I chose word of focus. My word is mindful. I want to be mindful of my loved ones. Making sure I make them feel loved and important. I also want to be more mindful of my own needs, and take better care of myself.
My goal is to run a half marathon!
To continue on my fitness journey and lose these last 40 lbs.
Finish my masters!
Living more in the moment❤️
To keep getting healthy and keep paying off debt.
Save up for more What Kristin Found finds!
I do not have instagram. My goal is to be the healthiest me I can be!
In 2020, I want to volunteer more and lose weight.
In 2020,I want to declutter and be more organized. We’ve already started the process and I’m happy with our progress! (I don’t have Instagram)
To continue eating healthy and working out daily
Getting pregnant. We’ve been trying for 2+ years.
(I don’t have an IG account, I don’t need another reason to look at my phone 😄)
Be kind (to myself & others)!
Choose joy!
To make my kiddos proud of me.
Combine 2 households into one this spring!
Getting healthy!
Land a job that I love
Hi Kristin! I love your group! I have bought several things from your group & all suggestions have been great!
I have a goal this year to stay as healthy as possible…mentally, physically & spiritually.
Thanks and for all of your wonderful suggestions!
I also do not have an Instagram account.
Face every day with a positive mindset.
Live a healthy lifestyle, taking care of myself!
Goal for 2020 is to lose weight, give back to others through volunteering, and to stay healthy and happy.
Get healthy and save money!
My goal for 2020 is to appreciate myself more and be proud of myself for all of my accomplishments so far and continue to push myself to be the best I can be.
My goal is to lose 40 lbs and remove toxic people from my life because life is too short!
To be healthier with diet and exercise choices. Sorry no Instagram
2020 goal- ger down to prepregnacy weigh and spend time with my kids
Play more and work less. Enjoy more family time and stress less over things I can’t control. I don’t have an IG account. FB and Twitter only.
Get healthy!
Reprioritize and make sure I am living in the present! Not living for “others” but for myself and family first! Saying yes to the things “I don’t have time for – for the kids” cleaning can come later!
– goal: enjoy the small things as they will be the important memorable ones later!!!
Save for Italy trip!
Save for trip to Italy!!!
Find a less stressful job that requires less commuting, more leisure travel, and updating my closet!
To be in the moment and worry less about the things I can’t control — and to buy more stuff 🤪
My goal this year is for my students to be successful and to stay sane while both my boys are deployed!
I do not have instagram.
My goal for 2020 is to pass my last 2 architecture tests! And also update my wardrobe
Healthy lifestyle, more wine, less debt, and making memories with my family❤️
Eat healthier!
Continuing to find work/home balance in my life. (Also – I do not have IG.)
My goal is to continue on my journey of exercising at least 5 days a week!
To earn my next promotion as Regional Vice President with my company
My 2020 goals are to lose weight (so I can buy more of What Kristin Found), venture out more with my 3 kids (it’s not always easy with a 2 and 1 year old), and finish paying off my last bit of debt!
Thankful for each Day! Life is good!
Get stronger & work on work/home life balance
Get more active
To be more courageous and don’t let fear stop me from my dreams and goals!
✨ One of my 2020 goals is to make our new house feel like a home that we never want to leave! ✨
My goal for 2020 is to be healthier and eat out less. I followed you on Instagram and subscribed!
To join a gym….and actually go on a regular basis!
Join a gym…and actually go on a regular basis!
Becoming stronger in body, mind, and spirit. 👍
I’m working on building some 💪 strength
Stay positive!
My goal is to be more mindful of the small blessings in every day and enjoying each moment instead of wishing for 5:00, the weekend, or vacation to come. I also have a goal to improve my overall health and have lost 10 lbs so far!
My goal is to survive building our dream home! Can’t wait!
To learn meditation & cope with stress better
One of my goals is practice my crocheting and become better at it.
My goal is to create happiness every day.
Live a more healthy lifestyle.
My goal is to pay off some debt this year and be better with finances. I bought the peptides to try!
To loose 15 lbs.
No instagram
Start back up my business and continue on my healthy lifestyle 😁
2020 goals:
Start a new career!
Be kind always!
My main 2020 goal is to find what feels good for me and remember to incorporate it into my day!
2020 goals:
Start a new career!
Be kind always!
Traveling with family and a girls trip
Living a healthier lifestyle
To be more organized in all aspects of my life!
To keep a regular exercise schedule and try not to buy things I don’t need. I know, I’m on the wrong page lol.
I want to focus on my health and losing weight in 2020. I want to become the best version of myself!
One of my goals for 2020 is to finish paying off my student loans and save a certain amount of money! Also, to read one book a month !!
Thanks for doing this fun giveaway & congrats! I don’t have IG. One of my goals for 2020 is to be a better corespondent. Send real cards for birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, parties, just because – just taking the time to write something out!
My biggest goal for 2020 is to remember the things that make me feel good and incorporate those things into my day.
One of my goals is to be more real on social media instead of my account being a “highlight” reel.
My goal is to be more real on social media
Be the best me, more positivity!
My goal in 2020 is to buy my next car with cash! (And I don’t have Instagram.)
My goals for 2020 are to focus on becoming healthier and changing my style, which will in turn make me happier!
My Goal is to run 2 half marathons and explore a vegan lifestyle
Start working out to get fit and healthy
Goals for the year is to complete our bedroom makeover and get started on the kitchen.
I got the Elderberry gummies. They taste great! My goal for this year is the same as last year…set healthy boundaries at work and improve my work/life balance!
Give myself permission to have a work/life balance!
Get healthy in 2020!
My goal is to travel more of this year. I’m always worrying about cost of everything in life with my children is passing me by. It’s time to go play
Stay healthy and happy
To have my house 100% ready for my daughter’s graduation. Don’t have Instagram
Be more involved in my community.
Stick to a budget
I have made a huge goal of paying off the remaining $100k of my student loan debt by the end of this year! I am working so hard to get these loans out of my life! Your “Finds” have definitely helped me on this journey by helping me stick with my budget!!! Thank you so much for that!!!
Continue going to the gym and eat better.
My goal is to do more of what I want, regardless of whether my husband/kids/BFFs can or want to join me. If it makes me happy, I need to go for it!
read more & simplify
My goal this year is to get organized and implement systems so I can provide the same level of service to my clients, but work less and spend more time with my kids. Let’s do this 2020!
My goal for 2020 is to spend less time on my cellphone and more time with the people I love!
To live life to the fullest and never take a day for granted.
Getting healthier!
Be more mindful of healthy habits for my mind abs body.
My word of the year is courageous, so I want to do more things that push me out of my comfort zone!
2020 goal- muscle definition!
Finish moving into my new apartment, marry my best friend and enjoy our first year of marriage! ❤️
My goal is to get better sleep and drink more water while maintaining the fitness lifestyle I started in 2019!
Commit myself fully to getting and staying healthy.
To lose 10lbs and continue exercising!
I hope to pay off our debt in 2020.
My goal is to lose 30 pounds
My goal is to get organized!
My goal for 2020 is to be thankful in each day for all that we are blessed with, and to give back to those who are less fortunate ❤️
Read more and move more.
My goal for 2020 is to “take my time.” We are always rushing through life, it’s my version of taking time to smell the roses!
Paying off debt and loving on my family ❤️
To get healthy and relax more. I do not have Instagram.
Read more books!
To retire and move to the beach!!!🏖🌴🏖🌴
Purging my closets! (So i have room for new stuff!)
Pay off some debt and lose some weight
Visit my daughter and her family who are getting stationed in Okinawa Japan for the next 3 years. Her husband is a career Marine.
Traveling to one new country and one new state!
To lose 50 lbs and use my insta pot more
No IG account , goal is to stay healthy this year
Reading through the whole Bible!
My goal 2020 is organize my house. Get rid of unused stuff, possibly buy more things 😂 (I don’t have an instagram account)
To concentrate on weight loss and exercise
Make my house feel more like a home by getting some
Projects done.
I started a home decor account on IG a little less than a year ago. Really trying to focus on it in 2020… which means actually finishing out home renovation projects that we start!
Have our third baby!!
Self care – Invest in myself
(I don’t have IG)
Work out regularly
To be more fashionable, thanks to What Kristen Found!!!
Get our home in order to welcome a new little one.
Spend as much time with my kids as possible. Time is going by so fast 💙
Heal from injuries!
Reconnect with my family and continue to stay OFF of Instagram
Lose the 10lbs I found around the holidays 😂
To lose weight.
Work on taking care of me… mind, body, and spirit!
To love more & pray harder!
My goal is to be a happier person. I need to surround myself with more like minded people and remind myself that spreading happiness goes a long way. ❤️
My goal is to just live healthy and stay positive even through the hard times!
I followed on Instagram 😁
Enjoy the little things each day!
Lose 20 lbs in 2020, yell less, play more, travel more and read more. I bought the con air curling iron to replace the one that I had that finally died after 10+ years. No instagram.
Run a 5k and keep challenging myself with new experiences!
Pay down on debt and improve health
Pay off some debt, while still being able to take a trip somewhere this year!
Eat more fresh vegetables!
Eat healthy, real food. Not processed junk.
No Instagram
I bought the collagen for joints. Thank you! My goal for 2020 is to feel healthier.
To avoid unnecessary drama in my life and eat healthier!
Become more present
Gain a better understanding of my new job and take time to slow down and enjoy my quickly-growing-up children
My goals for this year are to become more financially stable, go back to school, be the best mom and example of a good person to my son.
Get closer to God and show others His love. Handle the changes this year could bring with grace and ease.
Stay on budget and pay off more debt!
Embrace turning 40 while enjoying my Belize trip with my best friend! And planning our next international trip!
Be more present with my family and appreciate the little things 🤗
Stay active and enjoy as much time as possible with my baby!
I didn’t see my previous comment, so I will content again 😁. One of my goals is to be all around healthier
Get healthy for my sons with special needs. I’ve put my health on the back burner for too long!
To get more active
Pay off debt
To run 2020 km (1255 miles) in 2020. I’m 166 km in so far!
To run 2020 km (1255 miles) in 2020. 166 km in so far!
Work on becoming kinder every day. Also, getting Instagram because I’m not on it yet. jball43@neo.rr.com
Main goal is to successfully adopt a child and provide him/her a loving family.
My goal for 2020 is to start eating healthier and exercise more, losing a few pounds would be great too!
Just signed up for the newsletter and I’m now following you on Instagram. One of my goals for 2020 is to take better care of myself, including my mind and body.
Taking better care of ME! <3
More time resting in God’s word, staying consistent with workouts, being present with my littles by piutting the phone down and turning off the TV.
Have a better servant’s heart and grow closer in my walk with God ❤️
To go back to school and eliminate credit card debt…. hahaha yeah right
My goal for 2020 is to lose 30 pounds and travel outside the country at least twice.
Find joy in the moment!
Have more patience with my 3 children and more grace for myself
Find joy in the moment! I don’t have Instagram!
Stay committed to my health and wellness goals.
Entered! I don’t have Instagram, but my goal for 2020 is just one simple word– Breathe!
To let things go and have more joy
Get this ego preggo!! ❤️
One of my goals is to get into grad school!
Worry less and enjoy life more!
I plan to get healthier and happier 😊 (I do not have an Instagram acct.)
2020 – change my eating habits. Replace sugar with fruit and eat more lean proteins & veggies and less refined wheat.
My goal is to be more in the moment and not stress about the little things.
Overall health improvement – physically, financially, and spiritually.
I have lost 105lbs as of today. I have 20 more to go! Ready to be healthy for my babies!!
Balance with home, gym & work life 🙂
Among my goals this year:
– make greater efforts to visit family, regardless of the distance.
– to go on our first ever “sisters-only” trip or cruise; and then travel as a treat for myself.
Start working out!
Bring less work home so I can enjoy ever second with my baby boy 💙
Lose 70lbs and start a YouTube diy channel 😍
My goal is to be healthier and be a better person each day than I was yesterday.
I follow in IG too. Luv ur group.
My goal is to get ready for baby coming in July! Just try to stay healthy and moving throughout my pregnancy!
Goals for 2020: Run a half marathon, reconnect with some old friends who I’ve lost touch with, and worry less about things that aren’t in my control.
Get rid of unnecessary debt.
Spend less money on clothes!
Build my savings account back up, the last two years have been rough on it.
Simplify my life in multiply areas!
More reading, more exercise (running & beach body), and more quality family time.
To eat healthier so I am a better role model for my daughter.
One of my goals for 2020 is to eat healthier, and our family goal is to finish our bonus room.
Healthy and happy
My goal is to reduce my stress this year!
My goal is to continue getting stronger and increasing my flexibility.
Pay off debt!
To instill confidence and self worth in the children I work with every day and enjoy every moment with my own children.
My goal for 2020 is to be more positive & to learn to love myself on my journey to loosing a few pounds & toning up!
My goal for 2020 is to be more positive & learn to love myself on this journey of loosing a few pounds & toning up!
Enjoy every moment of my daughters first year ❤️
Stay healthy and mindful
Take more pictures!! Time is a thief.
I’d like to lose some weight and tone up, manage my health better
Run in a 5k race each month.
My goal is to continue to exercise and eat heathy in order to maintain the weight I lost in 2019!
2020 goal: happier, healthier individual. Being in the moment more than trying to capture the whole experience on film. Making a difference with my students ❤️
This year, I plan on finding ways to make passive income. I am exhausted with the corporate grind and looking to find something that is more fulfilling.
My goal is to just to live in the moment and appreciate every second I’m blessed to be given
I would love to lose weight and freshen up my wardrobe for work!
I do not have Instagram
Stay healthy. Be more patient with my kiddos.
Workout to get stronger and fit with the bonus to shed some pounds. 😉 I don’t have IG!
My goal is to works towards financial freedom!
One goal for 2020 is to get up earlier! I do so much before I leave the house and then STILL end up leaving late, so I’d like to keep getting up 10-15 minutes earlier each day.
Drop my baby weight + the extra (9 weeks pp) so I can wear some of these awesome styles and feel confident!!!!
Take care of my body to be healthy for myself and my family.
Seeking balance in 2020!
My 2020 goal is to declutter and organize my home where I can relax more with my kids!
(No IG Account)
My goal is to bring as much joy to others as I can, every single day.
To enjoy life a little bit more, to carry a healthier life style, to share more time with the ones that matter, to be more present for the ones that need me and to create a positive impact for the ones that cross my path.
Figure out this whole parenting thing and enjoy every minute of it!
More family time, new experiences and just living in the moment!
I would like to declutter my house and eat healthier!
Get organized!
I’m focusing on gratitude. 🙂
In 2020 I want to get back to being good about taking pictures. When my dad died I didn’t have many. Then my mom recently passed away and I was reminded once again how few pictures I had.
be more active throughout the day. I sit at a desk all day, but I need to get up more!! and exercise at least 3 times a week!!
My goal for 2020 is to lose 20 more pounds, complete another half marathon, and plan regular date-days with each of my kiddos every month.
Lose ten pounds and make each day count with my kids and spouse.
After losing 35 pounds in 2019, I want to continue my healthy lifestyle in 2020! Not gaining that 35 pounds back EVER!!
Done!! 😉
A goal for me this year is to grow a new business of mine. I discovered a new talent and I have found a niche business for it!!
Save money
Love this site. Baebody eye gel is worth every cent
Delight in the every day!
Get more in touch with God. I don’t have Instagram.
Make more time for the things that matter.
My goal for 2020 is to spend more quality time with my three kiddos! <3
My goals are to keep a budget & save money. Thanks to you & your Facebook group, I am hopeful I can reach my goals!
Be a more patient and active mama!
Live a healthier lifestyle.
less social media & being present more
Lose the last 7 lbs and continue to pay down mortgage!
My goal is to take better care of myself; force myself to do some things just for me.
Prioritize to spend more time with friends and family!
Eat clean!
Currently building a new house and my goal is to declutter everything that is not useful to me or doesn’t bring me joy BEFORE the move. I don’t want to fill my new and beautiful home with anything that does not belong there.
Trying to not spend excessively
Get health and work to increase my self confidence! Happy 2020
Figure out how to be the best mama I can be to my two boys. Like how to get dinner on the table while Dad and I both work full time jobs. Baby #2 is 7 weeks!
Get my finances in order 😂😂😂😂
Pay more on my debts, less carbs & more protein!
Find some peace in my life. I do not have instagram.
My goal is to continue praying to become pregnant. Turning 40 in June and my husband and I want to have a baby. Also, I do not have Instagram.
Stay on budget and focus on my health
Spend money on experiences and memories for the family!
Appreciate the little things!
Daily Devotionals are my goal in 2020..!! I need to give more life to my spiritual growth. <3
Go to the gym 3 times a week
**I don’t have instagram
One of my goals is to prioritize my mental health and make sure I’m being the healthiest I can for my family and those around me. 💙
Be more positive and have a more positive outlook!
Focus on myself and my health for 2020 – physical, emotional, mental ☺️
Let go of some of the working mom guilt by managing a better work/home life balance.
Better organize my closet! This group will force me to do it!!
I hope to get healthier, be able to go on walks more… maybe even get to the point I can run again!
My goal for 2020 is to graduate!
I LOVE WKF ❤ A friend told me about this site around the holidays this year and I have bought and saved so much in my short time on this AMAZING site. Thank you, WKF ❤❤
My goal is to become more healthy in the new year and to gain more confidence in myself.
I’m trying to be a better version of me!
My goal is to focus on my mental health!
Take care of myself! Be more involved with family and friends and less on phone.
I want to make it to CrossFit 4 times a week and lose anything.. lbs or inches… Just anything to make me feel human again.
My goal is to get our new house paid off! Also to have a healthy baby boy in April 💙
Take more vacations with my family and grow my business.
Lose weight and start a famil!
To continue my FIT journey and look cute with all these fun finds!
Live healthier: physically, emotionally, spiritually, maritally and financially.
Time management and working on myself inside and out
Explore my community by going on hikes with friends!
Finish home remodel. Stick with healthy diet and exercise program.
Get Healthy!
After just being diagnosed with ALS last week & already having Smoldering Multiple Myeloma, my goal is to get try and get out and walk and exercise, so I will be able to walk at my daughters wedding on 10/24/2020.
Pay don’t those credit cards.
My goal is to be healthier and try not to sweat the small stuff!
Drink more water, I’m lucky to drink a glass a day!
My goal is to take a cruise this year.
To wear a smaller size because a lot of Kristin’s posts don’t come in plus sizes.
Earing more nutritional foods!
Live more, worry less
Live more, worry less!
I do not have Instagram. I love your finds.
Goal is to save money!
To learn to truly love myself!
To learn to love myself!
To relax and enjoy 💫
To try and stay positive. That is my word for the year!! Everyday I share positive quotes with two of my co-workers.
Lose some weight, be happy and healthy
To create a budget and stick to it!!
My goal this year is to get organized and de-clutter, room by room. I’ve finished with the bathroom. Working on kitchen and then on to the closets (the most daunting of them all!)
Get comfortable in my own skin
Plan a trip, get out of debt and figure out how to spend more time with family
To continue to get healthy and lose some baby weight!
I had gastric bypass in March of 2019. I have lost 136 lbs and I am focusing on toning up and making exercise a habit. I have so enjoyed this page and buying all the cute clothes as I change sizes. I would LOVE to win!
I want to embrace a healthier lifestyle for 2020 and beyond!
My goal is to do my best to be present and enjoy life. Things can change in a blink of an eye.
My goal is to relax and be a better mom. I need to stop worrying about household activities and enjoy my kids! They are growing too fast!!!!
I have some specific body fat/muscle weight goals, but also to enjoy the little moments with family and friends. Drink the good wine, take the trips, enjoy the moments 🙂
More family time with my two girls and husband!
My goal is to be more present with my family and make healthier choices and decisions for us all ❤️
More family time with my husband and 2 daughters and less worrying!
Workout 5 days a week and stick to my healthy living 80/20. Read leadership books daily. = nourishing my body & mind! 🙂
Goal-it is silly but I want to work on my penmanship. It’s embarrassing!
No IG 🙂
Listen more! Pay attention and savor every moment without rushing to the next thing. Your family grows and changes in a blink of your eye💗
One of my goals is to eat more fruits & veggies every day!
My goal is to be more present
My goal for this year is to be a more intentional person. So I’m working on setting goals for each day/week and intentionally working towards those goals…usually little things. But I can already see a difference in the way I approach daily tasks, so it’s paying off already!
Some goals this 2020 is to lose 20-30lbs and be in a better mood more often.
Lose 40 lbs!!
My goal for 2020 is to travel to as many country in Europe while we are stationed in Germany 🇩🇪 also to be able to visit our granddaughter in England and our soon to be granddaughter in MO. Just want to live a healthy life
Be more healthy, including diet and exercise♥️
My goal is to give all my struggles to Jesus and allow Him to do His work through me.
My goal is to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight!
My goal is to be more intentional about our time as a family!
My goal is to find my dream job and continue my love for the gym and obtaining a better healthier lifestyle!
Allow myself more grace!
Believe in myself more
I want to eat healthier and exercise more! Also I want to train my puppy to have better manners….he is out of control!
Working on serving others more and being more positive!
I have a brand new baby girl so my goal is to be the most loving mom I can be and teach her kindness.
My 2020 goals are to continue to live a healthier lifestyle and focus on my overall happiness. I’m going to try to be more present in everything I do and make memories with my family!
Get my golf game to a place where my hubs won’t mind golfing with me 🤣
Get healthier/exercise, so I can keep up with my kiddo better!
My goal for 2020 is to not let my daughter and husbands cancer diagnoses take over my life. I will dress for the me I want, not the sad me. Goodbye sweatpants, hello skinnies! Thanks, Kristin, for making fashion so easy for me!
Lose 15 pounds in next 6 months so we can start trying for baby 2. 🙂
My goal is to find myself!
My goal is to find a fun new place/activity/adventure each week for me and my almost 3 year old!
Continue my fitness journey (making it to boot camp 5-6x week) and pay off some debts (car, credit cards… still working on those student loans 🤦🏻♀️)
Faith and Family 1st in all that I do in 2020 and going forward!
I dont have Instagram 🙈😊
To make my health a priority!
My goals for 2020 are to get a full time job in the summer at a hospital and switch my college to closer to home !
My goal is to stay healthy and stay consistent with workouts!
Get healthy!
Lose some weight and get our kitchen remodeled!
Finding me after 30+ years of doing/being what everyone else wanted me to do/be.
My goal is to live more in the moment. Stop worrying about what could happen and enjoy life and be thankful. Become a healthier version of myself mentally and physically.
Making some positive changes in my career! I dint do IG though 😉
Goals for 2020 are to get healthy: mind, body and family!
pay off debts and save money!!
So exciting! My goal for 2020 is to be more intentional with my kids.
Network more for my career! I’m the Development Director for a local NPO and I need to spend more time spreading word of all the amazing things we do!
My 2020 goal is to not lose myself in my journey of being a WAHM. Finding a way to balance my family but also my creativity in a way that I show my kids it’s great to try something new and put yourself out there. Dropping the last of this baby weight wouldn’t suck either.
Try to be more active and healthy with my family !
I have quite a few goals in 2020! My biggest one is to finish a whole beachbody workout program though.
To be more positive, grateful and make moments count, life is too short!
Be full of life and not get into as many slumps!
To keep a gratitude journal this year.
I don’t have IG but trust me I’m missing any post. Ask my Amazon guy 😁 This year I’m working to be my best version of me… mind, body, and spirit
Find a new “village” (just moved)
To be more intentional with each of my kids every day.
My goal is to stay positive about having a baby! We have been TTC for almost 4 years and hoping that 2020 will be our year! <3
Save money
To save for wedding next year and to be more aware of finding happiness in the littlest of things instead of being hyper focused on work.
Live a healthier lifestyle and add lots of self care.
Let go of the small things!
Complete lots of projects in our new home!
Start making money with my own business! 😁
I would love to clean out my closet of old items and replace with new fashionable items from WKF! I love this site so much and love getting new items in the mail. Thank you for everything you do. ❤️
I would love to clean out my closet of old items and replace them with more WKF ITEMS! I love this site and can’t wait to get items in the mail. Thank you for everything you do.
To be more intentional with family time
Goal— FULL Ironman triathlon!!!
My 2020 goal is to spend more time with my close friends and family.
My goal is to get more sleep in 2020!
My 2020 goal is to start exercising on a regular basis.
I have a few goals but my 1st priority is to get my weight back on track.
Really nourish our marriage!
Stay healthy! Last year I had mono (literally the entire year of 2019) and this year we are not off to a good start.
My goal is to be the best new grandma ever! I also strive every day as a high school assistant principal to do my part in growing a brand new batch of amazing, compassionate, happy, successful humans. Thank you, WKF for helping me do this in style.
Lose this baby weight! 🤪
Fully recover from a hip reconstruction and enjoy the planning of my oldest daughters wedding in December.
Find more ways to make myself feel more empowered and good about myself. Not a new me, just a better/healthier version of me!
My main 2020 goal is to eat healthier.
My goal is to get organized and stay that way!
Stay healthy
First my first race since I had kids 6 years ago (and hoping to PR). Travel more with the kids. Continue on a healthier path
Get stronger and healthier
My goal for this year and every year moving forward is to slow it down. Life gets so busy so quickly and we lose sight of the wonderful things happening right in front of us. My daughter will be 5 and it feels like 4 was just a blur. No more of that!
My goal for this year and every year moving forward is to slow it down. Life gets so busy so quickly and we lose sight of the wonderful things happening right in front of us. My daughter will be 5 and it feels like 4 was just a blur. I need to slow down and be more in the moment with her!
To take more pictures of my kids, my husband, and myself. No Instagram.
Healthier diet. Celebrating small victories in my health…and maintenance. Also, need to pay off debt!!
One of my goals is to use less plastic and recycle more!
My goal is to organize my house and try to limit screen time and focus more on the present 🙂
Focus more on the present and limiting screen time.
My biggest goal is getting organized! Our life is so crazy hectic with three littles I just want to stay on top of all the things.
My goal for 2020 is to focus more on my health and get fit.
My goal is to spend more quality time with the family and worry less about all that needs to get done.
Give more grace and create a safe space for self-healing 💓
Give more grace and create a space for self healing 💓
Lose weight
Love the deals.
Love the deals and discussions.
Love your site. My goal for this year is to work on making myself healthier and stronger. I also want to work on my spending and working on couponing.
I want to work on more self care! I have a 4 and 2 year old, so it is hard to take care of myself!
To take time for myself. I am always putting myself last so I am going to change that and enjoy life. Take one day at a time.
To be more of an encouragement to my family and friends.
Stay healthy and happy. Spend time with the ones I love.
Be healthier
Want to lose 75 pounds this year! And keep my fashion sense with your assistance of course 😊
In 2020 I want to focus more on my family and I will be starting a new career!
My goal is to continue to work hard on my physical and mental well being. To be the best version of myself I can be for me and my family.
Love WKF! One goal for the year is to find joy in all things!
Get back into being crafty
Do what makes me happy and never take a day for granted!
Be more punctual !
More family time, more enjoying life, and more helping others.
Working on me, inside and out, finally!…also I don’t have Instagram…
To stay healthy and exercise more often.
Lose my baby weight or get pregnant again! 🙂
Stay on budget and not stress about the little things so much!! Life is too short <3
Pay off our debt
Turn 40 in style!
Spend more time focusing on myself so I can’t be the best mom to my daughter.
I want to have more fun in 2020 versus just going through the motions of work and parenting.
(I don’t have IG.)
Work out 4-5 days every week!
to find the perfect apartment for myself!
Meet new mom friends.
Welcoming a new member of our family this year (another baby girl!). Looking to lose my pregnancy weight but adapt to a healthy lifestyle overall – financially, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
My goals for 2020:
-be thankful to be living/making memories with my parents (and fiancé!)
-save up for a house and a wedding
-make it clear to my students, everyday, l that I care about them
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My goal for 2020 is to do more things for me, like drink more water and take time out of my day for myself. Sorry I don’t have Instagram!
Exercise and declutter regularly
Taking time in the morning to look good/feel good (including treating myself to some new things!)
Focus on joy.
Complete a triathlon
Not gaining any of my “lost” weight back. Only buying things I absolutely LOVE.
Trying to stay healthy!cross that finish line. (No IG, I’m old school).
One of my goals is completing 2 more classes in my MBA program!
Focus on working out more.
Put the phone down when I’m with my kids.
Be more verbally supportive to my husband.
Eat healthier.
Cuddle with my kids more instead of worrying about a clean house or laundry.
Make more memories with my kids while they’re little.
Spend more time with my mom.